I LOVE dogs! That fact can't be denied. I have a collection of porcelain dogs. Here are my latest acquisitions from a recent antiquing venture.

But the dog that I love most is my beautiful Cavachon.
Her name is Lady and she is just that. We say she has Elizabeth Taylor's eyes...not because they are violet, for in fact they are brown, but because there is a lovely shading above and below her eyes that looks as if she's wearing eye shadow. When she looks up at you with those big brown eyes...well! your heart would have to be made of stone not to melt.

Lady joined our family by chance. We weren't even considering buying a dog. I had seen the Cavachon breed on line and thought they were cute but wasn't interested in becoming an owner. We just happened to be introduced to a breeder who just happened to have two Cavachon puppies left. She offered to show them to us. I wondered what this breed of dog would look like in person so I coaxed my husband into taking a look. The breeder brought the puppies out and handed one to me and one to my husband. The puppy in my husband's arms squirmed and wanted down to play, but the one I was handed placed her head on my shoulder and nuzzled my neck and was totally content to stay cuddled in my arms and when I looked down at her sweet face she looked back at me with the most incredibly beautiful brown eyes. We had instantly bonded. I looked at my husband and asked, "don't we want to take her home with us?" My husband, taken aback, said "maybe we should sleep on it." I wouldn't be denied. I knew that this dog was supposed to be a member of our family. We never looked back. We said yes on the spot. Sometimes we shudder when we realize that if we had gone home without her to "sleep on it" she might never have been ours.

Our sweet girl will be three years old on December 15th.
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring...it was peace."

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring...it was peace."
--Milan Kundera