The name of this lovely rose is Old Paris. I can only speculate as why it was given this particular name........maybe because the vivid shade of pink is reminiscent of the wonderfully rich colors used on the vintage porcelain pieces, which are also called Old Paris.
This rose is a very prolific bloomer, so I'm constantly cutting little bouquets. I found this little vintage bottle at an antique store........I think Old Paris roses should feel right at home in a bottle that says Paris down the side, don't you agree ?

I plan to print gift tags from this photo of the Eiffel Tower, that I altered in Photoshop. I love the pink glow of the setting sun against the blue sky.

I had to include this photo of Molly that I took after one of her recitals. We looked around and there she was, white tutu and all, sitting in a bed of clover! The girl just can't pass up an opportunity to pick a bloom.

Have a wonderful weekend,