Saturday, July 11, 2009


I love pretty serving pieces.
I found these little etched beauties on a recent antiquing trip.

What’s that? Yes, I know they’re not pink!
Just stay with me, I’m getting there.

I also found this sweet pink berry basket, and filled it with cherries.
I’m crazy for cherries! I love cherry lifesavers, and cherry limeades from Sonic, but my absolute favorite cherry treat, is Cherry Garcia ice cream. Hmmmm……

I’m thinking……dessert in the garden tonight.

See! Here are my pretty etched dessert dishes, filled with delicious (pink) cherry ice cream.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Many thanks to Beverly of HOW SWEET THE SOUND for hosting, yet another, PINK SATURDAY. Be sure to visit her blog for links to more wonderful pink posts. 


  1. Your garden is just beautiful. It's looks secluded - a nice place to ran away too from the busy life :-) Your little must really enjoy hanging there. I also like your pots - both the giant one and the rectangular one holding pink flowers. I can see people dancing(?) on one of the pots :-)

    Happy pInk Saturday!

  2. So pretty! I love the etched glassware. And cherry... yum! Everything looks so pretty in the garden.

  3. The perfect pink treat for those gorgeous crystal dishes. Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Those cherries look good enough to eat! Love the garden too.....very serene!

  5. Kay, I am knocking on the door, honey let me in. That ice cream in those dishes is so beautiful and enticing. Lovely post. Happy Pink Saturday. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you. Country Hugs, Sherry

  6. Nice and pretty.

    Happy PS and enjoy your weekend.

  7. Your garden is so lovely! I love etched glassware too.

  8. I sure hope one of those place settings is for me because I would love an invite. Your garden is gorgeous and I love your find. Happy PInk Saturday, Char

  9. Oh, Kay those etched dishes are beautiful. I love things with delicate etching. And the ice cream? Oh that looks yummy! Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Everything is beautiful and soooo inviting! Happy PS!

  11. Hi Kay!
    How nice of you to visit me! I have heard of your blog and have seen your comments on other sites. I am honored! I SO MISS blogging; my Master's assignments and thesis are taking up my entire summer, but this too shall pass and then back to my classroom for another year of teaching, hopefully with a Master's under my belt. This should also leave me the time to start blogging again,although I am planning to post in the next week. Thank you that you are waiting for me to come back; it is nice to be missed! You have a magnificent blog! I make my own cherry and vanilla frozen treat. I take a bag of frozen cherries, put them in a blender and add frozen vanilla yogurt with another splash of vanilla extract. Then, enjoy. I LOVE IT!

    I will be back next week, so until then, Anita

  12. Kay, I do believe my husband would love you. He is a fan of cherries, too.

    Your new dessert cups are lovely, and that basket filled with cherries look fantastic. I would have loved to share dessert in your garden.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  13. Wow... what a beautiful post! I love the pictures, the etched glasses and your garden. I would love to spend a quiet afternoon there!

    A very late - but still Happy Pink Saturday to you!

    Hope your week will be sunny and wonderful!

    Greetings from Spain

  14. Aaahhh just beautiful Kay:)

    Sorry I missed out on a fun pink Saturday...
    Really busy this week.

    Your table is calling my name! oh wait...well it already has your name... lol

    Glad you enjoyed the pottery post:)


  15. Hello. I just came over from Suzie Button's blog and I wanted to tell you that the pictures on your blog are very beautiful. Your garden is breathtaking. Twyla

  16. I love your cups! so pretty.. and look even prettier with cherry & desserts in them..
