Saturday, September 12, 2009


While perusing the magazine section at the book store, I noticed that there are a plethora of BRIDAL periodicals available. The cover photos were so lovely that I couldn’t resist thumbing through a few. There were articles covering every aspect of getting married....from, How to say YES……to, How to pack for your honeymoon flight.

Styles seemed to fall into two categories……traditional, or contemporary. This set me wondering what style wedding each of my four grandchildren might choose? Would their choice be sleek and contemporary? A traditional wedding with lots of sentiment, has always been my favorite.

I WONDERED.............

Will my granddaughters wear pearls?

Or knotted strands of jade, or rose quartz? Might they choose clear azure beads, suspended by gossamer threads?

Or a single strand of Swarovski crystal beads?

Will Molly choose to wear her Mother’s veil, and gown…

and be photographed in a beautiful garden, like her Mother?

Will Madison and Waverly want to wear one of my vintage rings, as a something old element?

Perhaps Bailey will want to toast his bride with his great-grandmothers crystal glasses………

And my Mother’s silver serving pieces would look beautiful by candlelight………….

The girls could carry a vintage handkerchief , from my collection…………

Then after the wedding, the handkerchiefs could be stored away in a vintage hanky holder, for their daughter’s wedding.


My grandchildren are young….Bailey isn't even two years old yet. Marriage is years away, and they will make their own choices, when the time comes.

Still………it doesn’t hurt to dream….does it?



  1. Do I have a job for you, unintentional wedding planner! We are looking for a vintage brooch to pin on THE dress. I'll email you a photo and put you to work looking for the perfect one. That way you'll be well practiced when it's time for your granddaughters to get married.

  2. Hi Kay,

    What lovely keepsakes you have to pass on to your grandchildren . . .some day . . .!These will be such treasures for them to use.

    Your vintage hankie collection is so lovely, and the hankie holder is gorgeous! At my daughter's wedding last year, we gave a gorgeous vintage hankie to each lady guest. Special family and friends received antique hankies with a monogram of their first name. It took me months to collect all of these! But, it was so much fun and created a lovely keepsake for those we hold dear.

    As always, your photos are superb! I love visiting your pages to get a glimpse of what your eye is capturing at the moment. Thank you for sharing all your gifts and talents through your pages!

    My kindest regards,
    Debbykay @ Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  3. Oh Kay. You have surpassed yourself there. What a lovely dreaming grandmother post. Lucky you that has the little beauties soon to be brides...time flies no matter how young they seem now.

    See my son Steve just announced that he and his lovely girl, Marie will marry some day! Oh happy day for me (granny in waiting) Gorgeous post. Thanks

  4. Your style and grace always shine through in your posts. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have a grandmother like you. Have a nice day. Twyla

  5. Wonderful post!! You are one of the most beautiful brides I've ever seen.


  6. It's so fun to dream! And somehow Grandma's suggestions never seem to be as intrusive as mom's (at least in my family).

    I loved the hankies. Did you know there is a pattern for sewing a handkerchief into a baby bonnet that can then be used as a wedding hankie? Wish I had the pattern, but someone will.

  7. There really is something about bridal magazines that inspires you (eventhough you weren't really thinking of it at the moment LOL)

    Oooohhh but the treasures you have are truly treasures. Something beautiful that can be shared to your grandchildren. Love the thought of your handkerchiefs. That would be a special fave of mine.


  8. Oh my gosh, I laughed when I saw Bailey is not even two years old yet! How sweet of you to think of these details, and to have these wonderful keepsakes for the grand kiddies, when they are a little bit older :)

  9. Oh, my gosh...what beautiful items! I'm sure your granddaughters (however many there may be) will be delighted to wear some of your things! I always give the bride a sixpence for her shoe...good finance karma.

  10. Hi Kay, nice meeting you!! I LOVE your photography, and I will be back for more. Beautiful post this.
